The five participating coutries have many different cultural and natural beauties, so the project was supposed to take advantage of this fact and involve students, teachers, authorities, parents, public institutions and communities in preserving our Cultural and Natural Heritage. Two partners (including the project coordinator) were newcomers to the action and their aim was to gain experience together with three experienced partners.
The objectives were strengthening the feeling of being European citizens and developing the feeling of having a regional and cultural identity which is a part of the EU and that we are responsible of preserving it. Elements of democratic participation and active involvement of students was also crucial. Another objective was language learning. The goal was to bring the participants the benefits of the ability to use a foreign language to communicate in a transnational setting. One of the most important objectives was integrating ICTs – open virtual learning that would correspond with demands of studying, living and working in modern society.
Thus, the main ways to reach the goals were chosen to be:
Erasmus Corners – to spread and disseminate the project activities at schools, among parents and communities.
Publication of the project – a large number of website and newspaper articles, interviews, etc.
eTwinning – since the coordinating school has an extensive eTwinning experience (including internationally awarded projects), eTwinning was decided to become the basic platform mainly for the introductory activities (connecting work with a wide range of innovative internet tools), in latter parts of the project it was intended to bet he central device for storage of the products of the project (the dictionary, the project guide, the pictures). As the course of the project was strongly hit by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemics in 2020, this choice of eTwinning as one of the main parts of the project proved to be a lucky one, because it enabled us to focus on work in e-learning environment, add online activities fluently, come up with alternative enhancing activities easily. For subsequent stages of the project that was connected with the five LTTAs, more tools were chosen to communicate the project activities – the project website, blog, YouTube video channel, Facebook group and page. All of these tools were used to reach the project objectives vastly.
It was planned to disseminate the project via a wide range of products and activities – including the project guide, photos, workshops, letures, etc. Originally a part of the dissemination included producing leaflets for a tourist information centre. This task couldn’t be completed, because the demands of the tourist information centre changed after the pandemics and the leaflets were not requested anymore. Luckily, we managed to add number of additional project products, especially digital ones (online games, presentations, a calender, an interactive map – all of them stored in TwinSpace of the project) and in cooperation with the Czech town hall trees were planted to symbolically close the project contributing to the natural and cultural richness of our regions. Â
The vast part of spreading the project took place in the informal part of the project thanks to the student exchanges. In this part, local communities became involved, learned about the project efforts of the participating schools and the participants learned about the cultural and natural beauties of their host countries from the locals, on the go, with joy.
The surveys conducted in various parts of the project showed the impacts of the project being increased in the students‘ awareness on the issues of preservation, cultural values and European citizenship. They also showed improvements in English, ICT and subsequentally their ability to cooperate, communicate and be responsible in an international working setting.
The involved teachers indeed acquired experience in conducting international projects, developer personal experience , formed international contacts and will be able to include their project experience in enhancing their everyday work.
The occurance of the Covid-19 pandemics and the need of immediate adjustments to this new situation definitely led to improving the teacher coordinators‘ abilities to make swift decisions, communication and coordinating skills as they had to adapt the arrangements in the project an an almost daily basis for two years and a half and still they managed to bring the project to a satisfying closure.
The schools have benefited from the participation in the project vastly, as due to the intercurricular character of the project teachers of several subjects were involved and now they can apply the acquired experience in their respective classes. This will also contribute to the increase in the prestige of the participating schools, as the project and its products will be disseminated in the follow-up part of the project for the future students, parents, school communities and the general public.