Bulgarian national heritage - explore, learn, love
This LTTA was originally planned for April 2021, however, because of the Covid-19 pandemic it finally took place in March 2022 as the fourth meeting. Not only the date of the LTTA changed. Because of the postponement, many planned activities had to be replaced with their equivalents in order to reach the LTTA’s goals. Thus, the cooperation with Central Balkan National Park and Krushuna Falls activities were replaced with other examples of Bulgarian natural heritage: Prohodna Cave, Karlukovo Turf Roof Stone Houses. Moreover, the Bulgarian cuisine workshop and cooperation with the Art School in Troyan were added to complete the opportunity for the project participants to learn about the Bulgarian cultural and natural heritage. Description of the activities: Monday: Short visit of the school (students guiding), Welcome Event, presentations - nature around us, natural heritage in the participant countries - UNESCO sites Tuesday: Regional Ethnographic Open-Air Museum ETAR - visit of the Open Air Ethnographic Museum "Etar"- the only one and unique collection of the old-times water-driven machinery in Bulgaria. Veliko Tarnovo - The inescapable symbol of Veliko Tarnovo - Tsarevets Museum-Reserve - learning about Bulgarian history, photos, and brochures. Museum of Illusions, Samovodska Charshiya, Tsarevets. Wednesday: Traditional Bulgarian breakfast (workshop in the school canteen), National Art School ( workshops) visit to the town of Troyan - guided tour (students - guides) Thursday: Prohodna Cave & Turf Roof Stone Houses of Karlukovo. Friday: Certificates, Evaluation, Games - a game about Bulgarian history “ The more I learn, the more I want to explore”- a quiz about the places students have visited on previous days. During the activities, the participants collected materials for the preparation of the final products of the project: the Guide, the Blog, YouTube video channel, and project website. These activities were also connected to the work in the previous two years in the project. In the beginning part of the project, the students worked in TwinSpace and learned about the cultural and natural heritage of their countries via presentations, games, galleries and a range of digital tools. After the „theoretical“ part of the work on the project, the LTTA was another meeting with the culture and nature of the host country in reality. The majority of the activities were conducted by the Erasmus+ team of teachers cooperating in this project and the participating students. In some activities, other teachers of the hosting schools were involved. Some guides and presenters came from the organizations that provided the activities. The LTTA was an important event at the school. The principal and the deputies were involved in the ceremonies where they stressed their interest in strengthening international cooperation. The school pupils saw the posters, Erasmus Corners and attended some activities (e.g. the Welcome Ceremony) or even participated in them.