Time Travel in Hungary - Nature, Culture and
Originally, this LTTA was supposed to happen in February 2021 (C4), but it finally became the second meeting in December 2021. A lot of activities had to be changed because of time schedule changes and constant moving of the dates of LTTAs. Thus, some of the planned activities (Buso festivities, carnival, Balaton Felvidek National Park, culinary activities) were replaced with new ones that took advantage of the advent time when they were actually taking place. So the participants had the opportunity to experience Hungarian culture in the time of preparations for Christmas – Christmas at school, in the Culture Centre, in the town of Tamasi and Pecs. Additionally, Hungarian cultural and natural heritage was presented in Tapolca Caves, Lake Balaton, Ozora Castle (historic dancing lessons) and Tamasi Dam Pont. In focus: Hungarian cultural heritage and natural heritage around Tamási, Christmas in international and Hungarian context Monday: Welcome ceremony with introduction of the teams. Hungarian participants led a guided tour around the hosting school. Participants presented their countries in various classes. Christmas cultural event in Tamási Culture Centre. Ozora Castle: a guided tour, rennaissance dances lesson. Tuesday: A day trip to Pécs – Zsolnay Cultural Quarter: Planetarium – a programme about astronomy, Lab – Interactive House of Playful Sciences. A guided tour of the city, Advent market in Pécs. Wednesday: A day at school. Teams presented Christmas in their countries – Exchange of cultures. Erasmus Corner – exhibition of tangible objects symbolizing the participating countries - the participants had the opportunity to touch, smell and taste the symbols of their partners' countries. Arts workshop – creating Christmas greetings, postcards and decorations, exchange and exhibition. Participation in „English Christmas“ – a traditional event at the hosting school. Thursday: A day trip to Balaton, Tihany, Tapolca. Lake Balaton, Tihany – learning about the natural heritage. Tapolca – excursion and a underground boat ride in the caves of Tapolca. Friday: Closing ceremony, certificates, evaluation – a questionnaire. A lesson of Hungarian language. Participants' visits to classes. Excursion in Tamási Dám pont – learning about history of Tamási. Gathering materials for the final products of the project. The majority of the activities were conducted by the Erasmus+ team of teachers cooperating in this project and the participating students. In some activities, other teachers of the hosting schools were involved (day trips). Some guides and presenters came from the organizations that provided the activities. The LTTA was an important event at the school. The principal and the deputies were involved in the ceremonies where they stressed their interest in strengthening international cooperation. The school pupils saw the posters, Erasmus Corners and attended some activities (e.g. the Welcome Ceremony) or even participated in them (traditional dancing).